The Quest Newsletter

Worth the Risk, Starting, and More

Read time: 4 minutes

Welcome to Quest, a weekly newsletter where I provide ideas to help you build a life you love — one filled with more energy, purpose, and joy.

Every letter in QUEST corresponds to a section of the newsletter.


Quote: Worth the Risk
Useful Ideas: Exercise, Start, Process
Exercise: The 3-3-3 Method
Story: Some Things I Think
Thought: Go Do It


Author Ryder Carroll on taking risks:

“We must take it upon ourselves to grow. We grow by learning, and we learn by daring to take action. There will always be risk, because we can’t control the outcome. This is the way of life, and it’s unavoidable. What is avoidable, however, is being perpetually haunted by all the things that could have been if you had only dared. Begin by giving yourself permission to believe you’re worth the risk.”

Source: The Bullet Journal Method

Useful Ideas from Me


How much would you pay for a pill that does the following:

  • Boosts happiness 52% 

  • Extends life expectancy three years

  • Cuts risk of cancer, stroke, & heart disease in half

No pill does this. It's a lifestyle choice.

It's free and has no side effects.

It's called exercise.

Just start.

Motivation often comes after action, not before.


It’s easy to idolize the success of others while ignoring the work that made it possible.

We can achieve similar results when we stop envying their performance and start imitating their process.


The 3-3-3 Method 

This idea comes from Oliver Burkeman, who wrote the best-selling book, Four Thousand Weeks.

The 3-3-3 Method is as follows:

  • Spend 3 hours on your most important projects.

  • Complete 3 smaller tasks you've been putting off.

  • Work on 3 maintenance activities to keep your life in order.

I think the 3-3-3 Method works for a few reasons:

  • Aligning your most productive hours (for most people) with your most important tasks will lead to progress.

  • Eliminating the small tasks helps prevent the guilt and shame you feel when you’ve been putting off a task for 6 months that takes 5 minutes.

  • Working on maintenance activities like health and relationships helps generate the fuel you need to live a fulfilling life.

Give it a try. Here are the questions to ask yourself to follow the 3-3-3 method for a productive day:

  • What are the most important tasks that I’m going to spend 3 hours on?

  • What are the 3 small tasks I need to complete?

  • What are the 3 maintenance tasks I need to do?

Keep in mind, this isn’t a rigid formula — it’s a framework. Adjust it to fit your lifestyle.


Some Things I Think by Morgan Housel

Lots of wisdom in this article.

“The most valuable personal finance asset is not needing to impress anyone.

“Bad luck is easy to identify when you fail, but good luck is easy to ignore when you succeed.”

“Not caring about temporary things, and obsessing over permanent things, is underrated.

“I’ve often wondered how many personal bankruptcies and financial troubles were caused by spending that brought no joy to begin with. It’s a double loss: not only are you in trouble, but you didn’t even have fun getting there.

“Average performance sustained for an above-average period of time leads to extraordinary performance. This is true not just in investing but careers, relationships, and parenting.


What have you been putting off in your life that you want to do? Go do it.

“One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.” - Paulo Coelho 

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Make it a great weekend.

Much love,

Beau Burns

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